Friday, April 10, 2009

About Me

Hi, My name is Vivian. The reason i start this blogging is because me myself work in MLM company before and i found it MLM is one of the interesting industry. Is not only about selling products but its involve a lot of knowledge and skills and of cause communications skill is important too.

As for me i think MLM company giving people a good place to earn and learn at the same time. Why i say so? Because there will be two types of people who join MLM. 1st type will be the people who really think the product is good, and they have the confidence towards the product. 2nd type will be people that look at this as a business opportunity. Beside introduce a good product to others they also earn and help themselves. In most of the MLM company they will provide all types of trainings, some will be the closing skills, some will be product knowledge and they also teach you how to be a leader.

I always admire those people that go full string in MLM, they always look energetic and the way they talk is full of confidence. I not here to sell or ask you to join any of the company, the reason i start this blogging about MLM in Malaysia is just to provide some info for people who wanted to join MLM.

During bad times, i think MLM should be one of the good choice for people who wanted to start something on thier own or someone who wanted to earn extra income. Of cause i not saying that MLM is meant for everyone but at least is a good opportunity and the risk is much more lower compare to starting your own busines which require at least 50,000 few hundred thousand.

I will try to introduce some of the company background and profile. If you are networker, i will be appreactiate if you can email me some info regarding your company background or products.

PS: English is not my first language, please forgive me for any grammar mistake or typing error. Sorry for any in convinience caused.